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Fast Recovery & Long-term cure for all diseases

 Well experienced & qualified Siddha Doctors

Put all your queries and concerns with us to Om Suriyadev Siddha Vaidhyasalai. Our expert Siddha doctor will always be available for consultation (online, phone / face-to-face) to provide a right solution for a better healthy living for you.

Affordable treatment without sideeffects

Prevention is better than cure. Most of our patients with severe illness has got cured through the treatment provided by our Om Suriyadev Siddha Vaidhyasalai.


We at Om Suriyadev Siddha Vaidhyasalai, prepare our own medicines by following TCHP treatment style for all the diseases.

Diagnosis and treatments

In diagnosis, examination of eight items is required which iscommonly known as astasthana-pariksa.
These are:-

  • Na (tongue): black in vatha, yellow or red in pitha, white inkapha, ulcerated in anaemia.
  • Varna (color): dark in vatha, yellow or red in pitha, pale in kapha.
  • Svara (voice): normal in vatha, high pitched in pitha, low pitched

in kapha, slurred in alcoholism.

  • Kan (eyes): muddy conjunctiva, yellowish or red in pitha, palein kapha.
  • Sparisam (touch): dry in vatha, warm in pitha, chill in kapha,sweating in different parts of the body.
  • Mala (stool): black stools indicate vatha, yellow pitha, pale inkapha, dark red in ulcer and shiny in terminal illness.
  • Neer (urine): early morning urine is examined; straw colorindicates indigestion, reddish yellow excessive heat, rose inblood pressure, saffron color in jaundice and looks like meatwashed water in renal disease.
  • Nadi (pulse): the confirmatory method recorded on the radialartery.

The treatment for the imbalance of the Tridoshas are made up ofthe five elements. The drugs are made up of the five elements. Bysubstituting a drug of the same constituents (guna) the equilibriumis restored. The correction of the imbalance is made by substitutingthe drug which is predominately of the opposite nature. An exampleis of Vatham imbalance is cold, dry thus the treatment will be oily andwarmth. For inactivity of limbs, massage and activity, are prescribed.

If Pitham dosha is increased, warmth is produced; to decreasePitham, sandalwood is administered, internally or externally becauseof its cold characteristics.

The way of treatment in Siddha medicine is aimed at keepingthe three humors in equilibrium and maintenance of seven 7 UdalKattugal (7 Body components), 7th one – Sukkilam or Suronitham(Semen and ovum). Saint Thiruvalluvar explains four requisites ofsuccessful treatment, namely patient, attendant, physician andmedicine. Treatment is classified in to three categories:

Devamaruthuvam (Divine method),

Manuda maruthuvam (rational method), and

Asura maruthuvam (surgical method).

In Divine method medicines like parpam, chendooram, gurukuligaimade of mercury, sulfur and pashanams are used. In rational method,medicines made of herbs like churanam, kudineer, vadagam areused. In surgical method, incision, excision, heat application, bloodletting, leech applications are used. As per therapies the treatmentof Siddha medicines could be categorized in to Purgative therapy,Emetic therapy, Fasting therapy, Steam therapy, Oilation therapy,Physical therapy, Solar therapy and Blood letting therapy, Yoga

therapy, etc.

The treatment in Siddha is aimed at restoring the original balanceof the three forces so that the patient becomes healthy. Restoringthe lost balance is logically simple. When any one of the threeforces is aggravated causing a disease, one should use a substance,which has properties opposite to its own, so that the Force will bereduced or brought to its normal state. When a Force is deficient,some substance having properties similar to that particular Forcemay augment it. This is possible because the Three Forces are alsomade up of five elements as already stated.


Thirty-two types of external applications and manipulations arementioned in Siddha text and most of them are in practice eventoday.

Kattu – This application of medicine made of herbs, pashanas, etc,to the affected areas and bandaging it.

Patru – Application of paste obtained from plant extracts or bygrinding raw drugs with or without treating them.

Ottradam – It is the application of fomentation using pulses, serealshusk, lime, brick powder, leaves, etc.

Poochu – Application of medicated oils or herbal juices afterwarming them gently.

Vedhu – It is the inhalation of fumes or steam, by adding raw drugpowders to boiling water or by burning raw drugs as wicks in smallearthern lamps which contain neem oil.

Pottanam – Small cloth bags containing powdered raw drugs aresoaked in warm neem oil or other oily substances and applied overaffected areas of the body as fomentation.

Thokkanam – This is the physical manipulation of the body eitherby applying medicated oil or without. This is similar to the presentday physiotherapy.

Pugai – This is application of fumes to the different parts of thebody. The fume is generated by using peacock feather, cumin seeds,horns of animals, skin of snakes, etc. Apart from that, preparedmedicines like Agasthiyar Kuzhambu, Koushikar Kuzhambu arealso used.

Mai – Application of fine paste to the eye. Collyrium for the eye.

The carbon or smoke formed by burning dried wick, soaked in Ecliptaalba in confined air and mixed with cow’s butter.

Podi thimirdhal – Rubbing the body with horse gram flour orturmeric powder with or without camphor.

Kallikam – Applying eye drops obtained by dissolving medicatedpills in honey, breast milk, plant juices, etc.

Nasiya – The prepared medicines are used as nasal drops or freshjuice is used as nasal drop. When the prepared medicine is used itis made liquid by dissolving it in breast milk.

Oodhal – The physician chewing the medicated substance andblowing the aroma in to the ears or nose of the patient.

Nasiga paranam – Raw drugs are either powdered or soaked inmilk or herbal juices dried, made in to powder and applied in tothe nostril. This is the powdered form, while nasia is in liquid form.

Kazhimbu – Pashanas are powdered along with astringent drugslike Terminalia chebula, Quercus infectorious and ground well withbutter and applied to wounds.

Seelai – Toxic drugs are ground in water or herbal juice and a pieceof cloth is soaked in this and applied to the wounds.

Neer – Some raw drugs are soaked in water or made in todecoctions, or toxic substances are greatly diluted and used to washwounds. They act as antiseptic.

Varthi – Toxic substances are ground well with herbal juices ordecoctions and piece of cloth is soaked in this, made in to a wickand is applied to deep wounds.

Suttigai – This is heat application using needles, broken earthernpots or piece of wood in specific areas of the body. This also includessolar radiation and air radiation.

Sallagai – This is an exploratory therapy using a probe which hasblunt end.

Pasai – Some drugs like kungiliya are added to molten wax orcastor oil and applied to wounds.

Kazhi – Drugs like Lepidum sativum seeds are ground with riceflour by adding milk or water, heated and applied to affected area.

Podi – Raw drugs are powdered and applied to wounds, mostlyastringent drugs are used for this purpose.

Murichal – This is the physical manipulation by which dislocatedbone or joint are brought to their normal position. This is similarto bone-setting.

Keeral – Incision of boils and removal of accumulated pus, blood,etc.

Karam – Application of toxic drugs to areas to be excised or tochronic ulcers.

Attai-vidal – Leech application to locally affected areas, block orswelling.

Aruvai – This is excision of affected part of the body using specificsurgical instruments.

Kombu kattal – Immobilizing fractured bone using splints andbandages – after proper reduction.

Urinjal – Drainage of accumulated pus, blood etc by sucking withproper drains.

KuridhiVangal – Blood-letting in condition where there is accumulated blood by venesection.

Peechu – Enema using water or soap water to evacuate rectum.

Siddha treatment is an ancient holistic healing system rooted in traditional Indian medicine, emphasizing natural remedies, herbal medicines, yoga, and meditation to restore balance in the body and promote overall well-being.

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Consulting Hours

Morning : 9.30am to 12.30pm

Evening : 4.30pm to 8.30pm

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